All Recreational Classes are $350.00 + Require an Annual Gymnastics BC Membership of $60.00 which is non-refundable. All fees are due IN FULL at the time of registration and can be paid online via
Note: There are multiple holidays on Mondays during this time of year. As such classes on these days have been reflected by reduced price to $315.00
We ask that if you have approved third party funding that you let us know as soon as possible via email at: as payment in full is required to secure registration.
Feel free to look into the below listed supportive companies as to whether or not your family qualifies.
Kidsport Jumpstart Athletics4Kids
Refund policy:
Prior to any refund payment being made, one month’s written notice must be given to the office. Full payment for the month following withdrawal notice is required, refunds for the balance of class fees remaining will be returned.
Please note: Gymnastics BC Memberships are NON-Refundable.
*Refunds are given for the time missed due to serious injury or extended illness. Please notify the office with a doctor’s note. Classes missed because of planned holidays or intermittent illness will not be refunded.